We offer exciting domestic Study Away opportunities for students to study within the US for one term, 3 K Units of credit.
Winter Away
Kalamazoo College is a member of the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA), a consortium of 12 private liberal arts colleges in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. These colleges share facilities and resources in order to provide students like you with the opportunity to spend a quarter studying ‘away’ and interning with professionals in educational programs throughout the United States.
During your time away, you are able to earn up to 3 units that apply towards Kalamazoo College graduation requirements, and gain valuable hands-on experience in fields of interest. If you meet the appropriate qualifications, you can apply for participation in a study away program.
The CIP can assist you with the online application process. Our staff members collect and compile all the application materials that will be reviewed by the campus selection committee for each respective program.
Eligibility requirements are established by each program individually. There are limits on how many students from Kalamazoo College will be able to participate in each program; usually one to six students are selected. For this reason, participation is competitive. Typically, you must present a proposal for how this unique opportunity will complement your Kalamazoo College studies. Both sophomores and juniors can participate in study away programs.
College Credit and Financial Aid
Kalamazoo students are eligible to participate in only one study away experience for credit during their time at the College. Students may participate in one study away program and one study abroad program. No more than ten units of credit from off-campus programs can be used to meet a student’s graduation requirements.