Study Abroad Costs and Aid

K Financial Aid and CIP scholarships can be used to cover most study abroad costs, however the actual quarterly-billed costs are particular to each student based on need and program choice. Understanding how K study abroad is financed does not have to be an overwhelming task. We recommend using the following three resources to get the closest estimate of your out-of-pocket costs.

K Comprehensive Fee

Know and understand the K study abroad Comprehensive Fee. For a more in-depth explanation of the comprehensive fee, including a list of what is and isn’t covered, please see our the Financial Matters section of our Study Abroad Policies and Procedures page.

The study abroad comprehensive fee will reflect on your billing statement as two charges: Tuition + Program Fee = Comprehensive Fee. The study abroad comprehensive fee covers: tuition, room, board and international health insurance while classes are in session.

CategoryOne Quarter Programs
Fall, Winter, Spring
3 or 4 K-Units
Two Quarter Programs
Fall + Winter*, Winter + Spring
6 K-Units
Three Quarter Programs
Fall + Winter + Spring
9 K-Units
Program fee as it appears on bill$4,419$8,838$13,257
2025-2026 Comprehensive Fee Calculation

*Students on 2 Quarter, 6 K-Unit, Fall + Winter programs that end in November or December are not eligible to take classes or live in campus housing during the Winter quarter, even if they are back in the U.S. They will return to classes at K for the Spring quarter, following the end of their study abroad program. Additionally, students will be billed in accordance with the college’s billing cycle. 3 K-Units for Fall and 3 K-Units for Winter quarter. This is because they will have earned a total of 6 K-Units while abroad. All financial aid scholarships and awards will have been applied.

Program Budget/Cost Estimator

Please use this link and tool to estimate your program costs and out-of-pocket expenses.

CIP Scholarships, Fellowships, Subsidies and Grants

Supplemental Funding Abroad (SFA)

The SFA endowed funds are awarded to high-need students (as indicated by the Financial Aid Office) who need additional funding to subsidize study abroad expenses associated with studying abroad. Students can apply for SFA funds only after being officially approved and accepted to a K Program or K Partner Program. If granted, these funds can be used to offset increased costs due to being an RA sophomore year, living off-campus sophomore year, losing ability to work while abroad, or for travel while on or after program that you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. The CIP is not allowed to disperse SFA funds to students who have unpaid K bills. The SFA application is open year-round and award decisions are made by CIP staff on a rolling basis.

See our SFA donors

Donors include Ambassador Martha Larzelere Campbell and Consul General Arnold H. Campbell, Robert Kopecky, Eugene and Joann Bissell, Stephen and Deborah Haughey, Louise Mae Stein Matulis, Charles and Helen Mickens, Richard Stavig, Jim and Deanna Tiefenthal, Stephanie Teasley and Thomas Finholt, The Class of 1983, The Class of 1982 and the Class of 1969. We are grateful to our donors as they allow us to offer these SFA awards.

Student Projects Abroad (SPA) • Beeler, Riley and Collins Grants and Fellowships

The SPA endowed funds are meant for students interested in doing research outside of the United States during the winter or summer breaks (between quarters) in pursuance of enhancing their SIP and/or their academic plan at K more generally. However, SPA funds cannot be used to pay for tuition, classes, or program fees abroad. Additionally, the CIP is not able to disperse SPA funds to students who have unpaid K bills.

Todd Memorial Classics Study Abroad Grant

Todd Memorial Classics Study Abroad Grant – this grant (typically $1000-$6000) provides partial support for students participating in programs focused on archeological field schools, digs, programs in Classical languages during K academic breaks.

Travel Subsidy

The CIP Travel Subsidy covers 70-100% of round-trip flight cost based on students’ need level (as reported by the Financial Aid Office).
Important Information for Heyl Scholarship Recipient: The Heyl scholarship WILL COVER 100% of air for approved study abroad programs.

Travel Subsidy FAQs

Am I eligible for a travel subsidy?

If you are eligible for a Travel Subsidy as determined by the Financial Aid Office, you would have received a letter with additional information from the CIP as part of your acceptance packet.

Students must have submitted a FAFSA for the current academic year in order to be considered for any study abroad funding through the CIP, including travel subsidies. The FAFSA provides each student with an “Expected Family Contribution” (EFC).

How much is the travel subsidy?

Depending on your need (as determined by the Financial aid office), and/or if you have the Heyl or Posse scholarship, it varies. The awarded dollar limit and percentage limit will be noted in your travel subsidy award letter. The award letter is part of your acceptance packet.

  • If your EFC is less than $17,000, you will receive a travel subsidy of 100% of your international airfare.
  • If your EFC is $17,000-$35,000, you will receive a travel subsidy of 70% of your international airfare.
  • Students whose EFC is above $35,000 do not qualify for a travel subsidy.
  • Heyl &Posse scholarship recipients qualify for 100% of your international airefare, regardless of EFC.

What travel costs does the subsidy cover?

The Travel Subsidy covers a percentage of the cost, up to a specified dollar amount, of your international round-trip air travel for study abroad from a designated U.S. port of departure. If you are an International student, please contact the CIP regarding your departure and return.

Does the travel subsidy cover domestic transportation or airfare to the designated port of departure?

No. The Travel Subsidy does not cover any of the cost of your domestic travel or airfare to the designated port of departure.

Who reserves my international transportation?

If you choose to accept the Travel Subsidy, Kalamazoo College, via its travel agent, will book your round-trip international transportation for you. The exceptions are: Israel (both programs); CET Beijing, China programs; and the Waseda, Japan programs. For these programs, you will be contacted directly by the program provider.

How is my travel subsidy applied to the cost of my airfare?

The portion of the international air fare that is left over after the subsidy has been applied will be a charge on your student account.The cost of the international air fare will be charged to your student account and then the Travel Subsidy will be credited to your student account immediately afterwards. Due to federal regulations and college policy, we are unable to issue any funds (such as a check or cash) directly t

When will the travel subsidy be credited to my student account?

After the cost of the international air fare is charged to your student account.

What if my travel subsidy does not cover the total cost of my round-trip international airfare?

The portion of the international air fare that is left over after the subsidy has been applied will be a charge on your student account.

Additional Scholarships and Support

U.S. State Department Scholarships

Boren Scholarships – provides up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin American, and the Middle East. Students interested in the Boren should think about applying in Fall quarter via the Boren website. Applications usually due by mid-January for K’s Boren Advisor Review, then early February for national deadline. Check the Boren Awards website for the official deadline for K College students. You will apply for these scholarships on their respective websites, but you will work with the the K campus representative, Dr. Margaret Wiedenhoeft, throughout the process.

The Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship – grants up to $5,000 to Pell Grant recipients. Students interested in the Gilman should think about applying in Fall quarter. Applications due early October for Winter/Spring/Fall and early March for Fall/Winter/Spring programs. For more questions, please contact Abosede Odukoya, who is the on campus advisor.

Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) – is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. You will apply for these scholarships on their respective websites, but you will work with the the K campus representative Lizbeth Mendoza Pineda throughout the process.

Scholarships that Every Student Should Know About

Diversity Abroad – Funding can be the biggest obstacle for many students looking to study abroad. Students are often overwhelmed by the costs of a study abroad program, but equally unaware of the millions of dollars in scholarships available to study abroad. Do not let this misconception prevent you from exploring the world–there are MANY study abroad scholarships out there for students of all backgrounds. Here are the top eight study abroad scholarships that you do not want to miss out on.

Rainbow Scholarship –  members of the Rainbow SIG have created a special annual scholarship for American LGBT study abroad students. Hosted and administered by the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA), the FEA Rainbow Scholarship will award up to $5000 to an LGBT student for a full academic year.

Scholarships for International Students

Financial Aid for Undergraduate International Students This resource provides information primarily for students with non-immigrant visas (F-1, J-1, etc.). The Institute for International Education (IIE) reports in Open Doors 2005 that of the paid tuition and fees to attend a U.S. undergraduate institution in the 2004-05 academic year, 80.9 percent of payments came from personal and family sources. Minimal scholarship aid is available to international students, and most of it is reserved for graduate study. Generally, U.S. institutions offer little, if any, discount on tuition, although both private and public institutions may waive application fees in some situations.

Country-Specific Scholarships

From the Association of Teachers of Japanese: The Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan – the Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan.

From CIEE for Chile: The Robert B. Bailey III Scholarships – given to students participating in the CIEE Chile program and members of under-presented groups. Scholarship amounts are between $500 and $1,500. Additionally, Bowman Travel Grants assists students studying in non-traditional host countries on CIEE programs (Chile). Awards vary in amount (typically $1,000) and are issued directly to the student to help defray the cost of travel.

Freeman-Asia – accepts applications from US Citizens or permanent residents studying at the undergraduate level who demonstrate financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. You will apply for these scholarships on their respective websites, but you will work with the the K campus representative Lizbeth Mendoza Pineda throughout the process.

Additional Funding Opportunities for Study Abroad

Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) – FEA is committed to increasing the opportunities for dedicated American students to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs by reducing financial restrictions through the provision of grants and scholarships.

Scholarship and Loan Information: explore study abroad financing options with’s  featured loan and scholarship sponsors.

Search for Scholarships via -search by country, academic level, field or study, or type of award.